Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Recipe: Vodka Smoothies

Originally published 10/02/10 on

Mmmmm, if it's full of fruit does that make it good for you?

 Get your 5-a-day the fun way! This fantastic recipe is great for a girly night in, the perfect drink to go with that romantic meal or, well,  do we really need an excuse to make cocktails? No. Cocktails are a girl's prerogative and the beauty of these little babies is that they’re versatile! More of a mango girl? Cherries float your boat? Just swap the raspberries for your favourite fruit, try upping the dosage by adding a few shots, or, water it down with extra fruit juice for a more laid-back drink. Just beware, they're stronger than they taste!

400g of frozen raspberries
1 small bottle of vodka
1 litre of exotic fruit juice
1 litre of pure orange juice

Shot glass
Glasses (one per person)
Blender / smoothie maker

- Measure out two shots of vodka, two shots of exotic fruit juice and one shot of pure orange juice per person, (so if you had two people you would need four shots of vodka, four shots of exotic fruit juice and two shots of orange juice, capiche?).
- Stick the shots in your blender with a BIG handful of frozen raspberries and blend!

Voila! Easy peasy, quick and simple, scrummy Valentine's Day cocktails!
(Enjoy responsibly)

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